

Surely whoever speaks To me in the right voice Him or her I shall follow Who needs the sun When the rain's so full of life Who needs the sky It's here in your arms I want to be buried You are my sanctuary Repete cifra. Who needs the sun When the rain's so full of life Who needs the sky When the ground´s open wide It's here in your arms I want to be buried You are my sanctuary Who needs a smile When a tear's so full of love Who needs a home With the stars up above It's here in your heart I want to be carried You are my sanctuary Who needs the light With the darkness in your eyes Who needs to sleep With the stars in the sky It's here in your soul I want to be married You are my sanctuary And the earth was void and empty And darkness was upon The face of the earth (Refrão) Is all of this pain so necessary You are my sanctuary Surely whoever speaks To me in the right voice Him or her I shall follow As the water follows the moon Silently Who needs the sun With fluid steps Who needs the sky Around the globe Who needs to sleep I hear your voice You are my sanctuary You are, You are my sanctuary

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