

Chorus ------ Crocodile, no you won't make me jealous that she left me for him Verse ----- Scene one standing, crushed on landing, you may have walked out but I'll Swallow up my fate Scene two sitting, man in kitchen, bit cold and lifeless like the burger on my plate Bridge ------ But there's one emotion I'm afraid of, hear him scratching gently to be fed, I can't stand it when he sits there smiling, I don't want him nesting in my head Crocodile no you won't make me jealous that she left me for him, so getaway Crocodile no you won't make me jealous I'm not letting you in Verse Bridge Crocodile no you won't make me jealous that she left me for him, so getaway Crocodile no you won't make me jealous I'm not letting you in, so getawaaay Guitar solo Crocodile no you won't make me jealous that she left me for him, so getaway Crocodile no you won't make me jealous I'm not letting you in

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