

INTRO - I Don't want to talk, I'm tired of making up. All we seem to do is scream and shout. I Don't want to sleep, I'm tired of waking up. All we seem to do is scream and shout. Chorus If this is the end I'm taking over This is the first time I've been out In what feels like so long, I've been let down. It feels like a landslide has taken a part of me out, That I've never found Verse 2 If this is the end then I want you all to know. If this is the end I'm going to cash my ticket in. I try my best but I just cant seem to change a thing You want us all to stand but what's that mean. Chorus If this is the end I'm taking over This is the first time I've been out In what feels like so long, I've been let down. It feels like a landslide has taken a part of me out, That I've never found This is the first time, The first in a long time. It's over, it's over now, it's over She says, she says I want a feel like I'm part of it She says, she says I want to know what it feels like

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